
July 21, 2017

Invisible Advantages of Automatic Data Capture

We continue the topic of "Automatic Capture". You can consult our previous article on "5 symptoms" to recognize if it is time to put aside manual spreadsheets and reports.


Have you ever wished you had noticed an eventuality as it happened? Maybe while reading a report and figuring out what it would take to correct what went wrong? How much time and budget would I have saved and invested better if I had acted on the spot? That and other headaches are minimized when you capture your plant information automatically, below we will analyze 5 invisible advantages of using an automatic capture tool:


  1. Value of information

Depending on when you receive the information, it has a different value every second: it is different to find out about a machine's failure within the first 5 minutes and to be able to coordinate its solution immediately, than to realize the failure the next shift (or a week later). In 5 of our clients, we have found that 80% of the time solving an eventuality is the time they take to respond to the eventuality (detection of the fault – warning – response of the team in charge).

Capturing in real time: Obtain information when it has the greatest value for your company and can reduce response time to unscheduled events by up to 50%.


  1. Quality of information

Apart from immediacy, communication plays a fundamental role when it comes to understanding what is happening. The difference between receiving a consolidated report, digitized information ready to be integrated into your control system, compared to information transcribed by operators, sometimes erroneous (and that has passed through a broken phone), provides the necessary tools to make a more accurate decision. In addition, the "reasons for strike" will be evident immediately.

Capturing digitally: The information is captured by automatic sensors, thus saving costs and processing time of the information and will be more reliable.


  1. Accuracy of information

When information capture is not automated, assumptions are made that may be holding back productivity levels.
A clear example is production speed: Although machines should always work at cruising speed, it is sometimes adjusted to: 1, meet the shift target or 2, not produce more than colleagues do and maintain a standard.
In the first case it can jeopardise the integrity of the equipment and accelerate the need for maintenance. In the second, you are intentionally not producing and wasting millions of pesos in time and opportunity.

There are stoppages that are not reported because of their short duration, small stoppages, (between 30 seconds and 6 minutes), but which are repeated during each shift to the point of representing in some cases up to 40% of the time lost on each machine. For example, 48 minutes of daily stoppages that have not been recorded represent 12 days of downtime per year for events that are simple to fix, but which will not be solved because their impact is not known.

Capturing it accurately: You will find invisible data that is currently holding you back. Plus, you'll set up continuous improvement programmes and measure their effectiveness.

Taken from the article “5 symptoms”: In this spreadsheet you can see that the 3 operators report 60 minutes in the change of nozzles (yellow) and 30 minutes in the calibration; n (orange) and this is repeated in all the forms, when in reality it is known that the times are never exact. Also that the green stops are rounded to dozens.


  1. Visibility of information

The manually captured information will only be available to the operator filling out the form and the supervisor who reviews it. But when you use a system that handles alert systems and informational displays, the information will be available to all plant personnel and support groups. In addition, operators will be able to know their real indicators (OEE, Stoppages, Real Speed, Availability), seeing the status of their goals and being able to contribute more to the company.

Capturing for the entire factory: Generates faster and more efficient responses, as well as a good work environment by generating information publicly.

  1. Standardization of information

When there are plants geographically separated, it is common for the same indicators to be calculated with different formulas (if there is manual capture), giving rise to possible non-existent differences. In addition, the people in charge of digitizing the information will handle simultaneous files that may not be updated with the versions that are working in other plants; which does not happen when having software that processes the information with the same standard and automatically stores it on the company's dedicated server.

Capturing Orderly:You will have the information unified, processed and in real time, monitoring all the plants as one.


These 5 advantages will reveal your "hidden factory" by presenting you with opportunities to improve production processes, represent budget savings by allowing you to react more quickly and save you time in analysis and information processing.

The technology to make this type of capture is already available, both for his company and for his competition, and every minute they delay making this decision is costing him millions of pesos and the opportunity to grow in the market.


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