
July 13, 2017

¿When to automate data capture?

If your factory fills out the forms by hand, you have the opportunity to boost your production by obtaining information that is not in sight.

If you recognize any of these 4 symptoms, it's time to acquire floor control software and generate a change that will divide the company's history in two:

After making an investment in maintenance, new machinery, process studies or hiring personnel, production levels remain in the same range and you do not perceive a return on that investment.

If the data were automated: You could understand where to make an investment to make it more effective and track the progress of this investment.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the same stops have different durations: If 3 workers have to change a reference of a machine, all 3 will take different times; two people who leave at their lunch break, will enter the stall minutes apart; 4 employees will take different times to prepare a material.

If in the reports everyone has the same downtime (as seen in the spreadsheet below), there is a manual standardization that avoids knowing the real data and hides losses and opportunities for improvement.

In this spreadsheet you can see that the 3 operators report 60 minutes in the change of nozzles (yellow) and 30 minutes in the calibration (orange). Also that the green stops are rounded to dozens.

If the data were automated: You would discover the real-time setup and repair time and could gain production time. For example, if each shift gained 10 minutes of production on 10 machines, it would be working an additional 300 minutes a day, which in the year represents 109,500 minutes (76 days gained of production), which is a huge profit.

The priority of the workers is to comply with X production during their day and they have a calculation of how long it can take them, wasting minutes of production that throughout the year represent a high cost.

If the data were automated: It would discover when the first and last units were manufactured in each shift, in addition to triggering the production indicators of each machine.

It has lost some contracts because it does not have the necessary production capacity. The demand for products increases every day and so must your production capacity, every unit that you cannot produce, is a unit that your competition sells. (see OEE). What is not measured, cannot be improved; It is necessary to be able to measure in detail in order to increase your production capacity.

If the data were automated: It would increase its production capacity and increase its market presence.

It cannot react in time to unforeseen events due to not realizing it at the precise moment and recognizes that, in some situations, it could have saved budget if it had reacted when the issue arose.

If the data were automated: It could react in real-time to unforeseen events and provide solutions to situations that escalate to significant magnitudes if not addressed.

If you want to know which indicators are measured by the world's largest companies to stay on top, see our article 4 indicators.Learn here how an information automation system works in the plant.

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