After interpreting data from the world's most successful manufacturing companies, the Aberdeen Group consortium of analysts found that more than 53% of the most successful manufacturing companies have implemented indicator measurement systems that are key to staying on top.
They also identified the 4 most important indicators for the success of these companies.
If you complement your current indicators with these four specific indicators, you will see your company become one of the largest in the sector.
OEE represents how close you are to reaching the maximum production capacity of the machines in your plant. You can find more information at this link, or you can contact us at for an evaluation at your plant.
In order to successfully measure this indicator, it must be divided into two parts, the first is the capacity for compliance from production and the second is the effectiveness in the distribution chain. You can find more information in our article on the Just In Time methodology here
Large companies are companies with multiple brands, producing several products each. The NPI is the plan that these companies follow to turn a concept into a product in the market, going through prototyping, market research, production, marketing and launch. Unfortunately, it's very easy to fail if you don't follow a solid NPI: Currently 50% of new products fail to meet their goals, 70% of projects take longer than initially planned, and 33% of launched products fail to launch. To identify the causes of delays and failures in these processes, you can learn more in our article on the Pareto Principle
The last indicator directly studies the profits left by the operation and how aligned they are with the company's plans in the short, medium and long term. The reason for that number can justify the prices in the market, the investment in the sales force, the reinvestment in new products and the growth of the company in general.
By replicating the methods used by large manufacturing companies, you can take the company to the next level. If you are ready to take this step, contact us and we will be a strategic ally in your growth.
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