
January 28, 2019

How to Improve Machine Efficiency

Currently, new technologies such as automation and robotics can undoubtedly increase our efficiency; however, concerns have risen about the negative impact that the presence of these new implementations may have on operators. Investing in new machinery is only a small piece of the production puzzle, and spending the budget on new equipment without knowing what difference it will make for the company is the worst and most common mistake that occurs. Therefore, we must be wise enough to invest in our personnel as much as in the machinery.

By improving efficiency, your entire production team will be able to produce more products while consuming fewer resources, below, we will look at some ways to improve the efficiency of your processes.


A clean workplace is an efficient workplace. Allowing excessive accumulation of dust, moisture, and production residues increases the likelihood of them entering the machines and damaging them. A damaged machine will not operate at its maximum speed, will work under excessive strain in daily operations, and will suffer greater wear and tear on its moving parts. Over time, it will stop functioning.

Eliminating excessive production waste, keeping the space free of debris, and occasionally cleaning the machines are some of the recommendations to extend the lifespan of your equipment.

The 5S method is the most recommended for this type of case (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke), which, in summary, aims to achieve better-organized, tidier, and cleaner workplaces permanently to achieve greater productivity and a better work environment.


Scheduling inspections and maintenance for the machines in your factory is a good practice to keep equipment running at full capacity. Creating the correct inspection and maintenance schedule depends on the type of machinery used in production operations, how often the machine is used, and following the manufacturer’s guide for that machine.

Addressing machine problems while they are still small helps prevent larger and more costly damage in the future. It is recommended to review the basic principles of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) or World Class Manufacturing (WCM).


If a problem is discovered while the machine is running, it should be shut down and scheduled for maintenance immediately. Trying to force it through the entire production process for which it is scheduled will only lead to bigger problems. Additional damage could be caused that cannot be repaired immediately, or the quality of the products being produced could decrease, leading to more waste and time loss.

It is recommended to fix the problem while the machine is off, and once the issue is resolved, the machine can be restarted.

To be efficient in reporting machine issues to the maintenance department, real-time systems like ANDON are recommended. Our software GESPLINEoffers three real-time alert systems:

  1. ANDON or SIPScreen system, is a screen that can be over 60”, visible from various locations in the plant, where the machines can be seen in real time, which ones need maintenance attention, and which ones are stopped or meeting goals.
  2. Alert system via text message, sent to mobile phones or email whenever a failure occurs or when a time is outside of normal parameters.
  3. Real-time Web, you can view the machines, their status, and speed from your mobile phone or computer, as well as track production orders in real time.


Buying new equipment may be a task that is avoided at all costs to keep production expenses low, but you might be wasting money by not replacing damaged or obsolete machinery. The costs of constant repairs can add up to more than expected, whereas new equipment with modern technology could increase efficiency in production operations.

It is advisable to evaluate how much it costs to maintain the existing machinery in your company, including repairs, downtime, and final production, and then compare how much a new piece of equipment could increase final production and reduce unnecessary costs that an obsolete machine might be causing in your company.

After installing a new machine, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer guarantees the speed promised during the sale under real conditions, and not theoretical commercial speeds that cannot be achieved when implemented. The best way to monitor the speeds and setup times of a new machine is with an automated system that does it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and accurately controls good production and waste. If the new machine is not properly monitored, waste can take a long time to adjust and exceed the allocated budget costs.


Within the company, more and more data is generated to measure business performance, but the problem lies in that it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine which data is most important for us. A solution to these issues and to always maintain control of our production is to identify which type of data within our processes is most important during production planning and make it visible. To do this, the information should be analyzed using a PARETOchart, where it becomes clear that 80% of the problem is related to 20% of the causes. This helps us recognize that not all problems can be addressed simultaneously, and by focusing on the 20%, we can improve 80% of the major issues. By doing so, we ensure that these key points are high-priority, allowing us to take swift action if anything deviates from the plan.


Today, technology is our greatest ally in facing daily challenges and staying competitive in the market. This is why the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has arrived. For our purpose in this article, we can focus on one part of IIoT, specifically on data collected from machines through sensors, data collected from humans (operators and leaders), and a centralized software system that allows decision-making, and in some cases, these systems can make decisions on their own. (See article “6 Keys to Ensure Your Factory Succeeds in the Digital Transformation”)Proalnet has an IIoT platform called GESPLINEwhich, through sensors that connect directly to the machines, can help identify weaknesses in your production line and improve it by up to 60%. It provides real-time tracking of production orders, machines, and operators 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, measuring machine downtime and exact speeds automatically.

Lastly, I want to share this image where we can visualize the major impacts according to the area we address. It is important to create a similar chart for your company in order to make decisions about the next steps to take:

Grafico factores que afectan en mayor medida a la productividad

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